
2024-02-02 16:08:21

winter  ['wɪntə]
n. [C]冬天;冬季:
e.g. I often ski in (the) winter. 冬天时我经常滑雪。

wise  [waɪz]
adj. 聪明的;有智慧的;英明的
Learned men,not necessarily wise.博学者未必都是聪明的。
e.g. wise advice 明智的建议

wisely  [ waizli]
  Only knowledgeable people can wisely decide how to use science and technology for humankind's benefit.  只有有知识的人才能够为了人类的利益聪明地决  定怎样使用科学和技术。

wish  [wɪʃ]
v ○1. 但愿;要是…多好:○2.(常与for连用)想要:○3. 希望:‖n ○1.(现在不可能实现的)愿望:○2. 所愿望的事物:
e.g.I wish you a very happy future. 祝你一生幸福。
I wish I were a cat. 如果我是只猫多好。 
e.g.You have everything you could wish for. 你想要的已经全有了。 
e.g.When do you wish to leave? 
e.g.a wish to see the world 想到世界各地看看的愿望  
e.g.The girl got her wish. 那女孩如愿以偿。 

Eating jellyfish could save endangered fish
According to the IUCN Red List 32,000 species are threatened with extinction — everything from birds and mammals. Despite national and international efforts being gathered to protect threatened species, we actively fish for many of them. For those of us who enjoy the odd fish and chips, this isn’t great news, (21) ______ the researchers have come up with an unusual way we can help while still enjoying seafood — and it involves eating jellyfish.
Between 2006 and 2014, 92 vulnerable or endangered species of seafood were being caught, recorded, and sold. When they are sold, it is rare that fish and invertebrate (无脊椎的) species (22) ______ (require) to be labelled according to species, so consumers have no way of knowing (23) ______ they’re eating. 
The research team stresses the fact (24) ______ this is only a brief view of the real problem. “A lot of the seafood catch and import records are listed in groups like ‘marine fish’. Here we didn’t look at those vague records, we only looked at records (25) ______ the actual species was listed — so we’ve made a huge underestimate of the actual catch of endangered species.”
There are some ways to untie the mess we’re creating in the world’s oceans, including (26) ______ (expand) our idea of seafood to include jellyfish. That might sound a little off the theme, but it’s not the first time scientists have suggested (27) ______ as a food source. It makes a lot of sense because Jellyfish is considered a minor species of wild animals and scientists might think its number is increasing worldwide. 
Of course, there are other ways to help keep endangered species (28) ______ the menu. “We need to improve the labelling of seafood (29) ___________ the consumers can have all of the information to make an informed choice,” UQ conservation scientist Carissa Klein told ScienceAlert.
And the informed choice, at least in some places, is (30) ______ (easy) than you might imagine. In Australia, where the researchers are based, there’s the Sustainable Seafood Guide to provide the best choices for seafood. There’s also Seafood Watch in the US, which is run by the Monterey Bay Aquarium.



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